Jennifer (JJ) Rosenbaum

Jennifer (JJ) Rosenbaum

Jennifer (JJ) Rosenbaum

Executive Director

JJ is an attorney, organizer, and human rights strategist advocating for human rights, decent work for all, and fair migration. For over two decades, JJ has used legal, policy, and advocacy strategies to win access to rights and collective power for low-wage workers and advised workers’ centers on transnational grassroots collaborations. Global Labor Justice follows a more than ten-year record in the post-Katrina Gulf Coast where JJ created a new model of movement lawyering as the founding legal and policy director for the National Guestworker Alliance and the New Orleans Workers’ Center for Racial Justice. JJ has litigated cases before trial and appellate courts and led the human, labor, and migrants rights strategy for campaigns including the Signal workers, who exposed labor trafficking from India to the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina, and the Justice @ Hershey’s campaign, where hundreds of foreign students won new regulations for the cultural exchange visa program.

JJ has extensive experience with human rights investigations, legal strategies that build collective power, and advising worker, immigrant, and community organizations. She has testified before Congress, writes and speaks globally, and is regularly consulted by national and global media. She is the co-chair of the American Bar Association’s International Labor and Employment Committee and lectures on labor migration and comparative social justice lawyering approaches at Harvard Law School. She previously held a Robina Fellowship at the Orville H. Schell. Jr. Center for International Human Rights with a focus on the intersection of global supply chains chains and labor migration. JJ is a graduate of the University of Tennessee and the Harvard Law School. Follow her on twitter at @rosenbaumjj


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